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Week 1: Journaling
Experience how EASY and therapeutic journaling can be, it will help you release the dramas and traumas and tap into your intuition about what to do for each situation. When you have a problem and you ask the people around you for help, they will give you help based on THEIR needs, THEIR experience, and what THEY think you need… when you journal you begin to find the answers that truly work for you, I’ll show you how! We will start with: Your BIG WHY! Find out WHY you want to be healthier and happier and then keep this like an Anchor to motivate you through the course, the processes, and your life! Week 2: Collage Journaling If drawing and your own writing intimidate you, then you will love collage journaling, where we use magazines and other print materials to create an expression that works for you. Bring your glue stick, scissors, and favorite magazines for this amazing class! Week 3: Art Journaling Some people love the idea of this and others find it terrifying. Where do you land within the idea of Art Journaling??? Let me demystify and show you that there is NO WAY TO DO IT WRONG! I’ll also show you over 30 examples of how a variety of people art journal and then we will do an art journaling process together so that you know you are doing it just right! Week 4: Bullet Journaling Organization, here we come!!! Find out how Bullet Journaling can take you to the next level of knowing what you want and showing you how to get there. If you have bullet journaled before, this will help you take it to the next level. If you have never bullet journaled before, I will show you how to begin and how to CUSTOMIZE it to make it work for you. Let’s break through the rigidity of official bullet journaling and make it work for you, your interests, and your lifestyle! I’ll show you how! Week 5: Junk Journaling I love, love, love ‘Junk Journaling’ - this is an anything goes process that is so freeing and so fun. You can use everything in your ‘junk journal’ it’s as if a scrapbook meets collage and art journaling and vision board all in one. This is not your typical junk journal… yours will have a purpose and a very special meaning to you when we’ve completed it. I'll show you how to create a specific theme through your journal which will become your go-to feel better book whenever you need it. Week 6: Vision/Dream Board - Keeping it simple! Create a simplified and very specific Vision/Dream Board. Too much is too complicated and confusing for the subconscious mind. We will focus in on the things that really count for you, making it much easier to bring those wants and desires into reality. Week 7: Mandalas This meditative process will help you soothe the day away! I will supply pre-drawn mandalas as well as show you how to create your own with simple materials. It’s an art meditation with your pen, pencil, marker, or crayon! Week 8: Affirmation Art We have all heard of affirmations, but why don’t they work? I’ll show you the secret to making them work each and every time! Week 9: Mind Mapping Mind Mapping is truly one of my most treasured and favorite processes. I’ll show you how to use mind-mapping to resolve issues, answer questions, release negativity, and help you get the love and support you need. I’ve used this process for decades and I’ll show you my own little creative twist on it to make it work for you whenever you need to make a decision. Week 10: Color Therapy Do you know that certain colors can make you feel a certain way? Some colors can actually make you feel worse and some colors can lift your mood and spirit. Join me as we splash through the rainbow of colors and help you find your own guiding colors to help you on your healing journey. Week 11: Scribbles Don’t underestimate the power of scribbling and doodling. Together we will do a scribbling process that will literally help you eliminate any mental or emotional or creative blocks and to get your creative healing moving forward and activated! Week 12: Intuitive Painting - Painting Fearlessly I'm saving the best for last. I love to paint, and I love to paint with abandonment, without it having to ‘look like something’… what emerges is always amazing and I’ll show you how to do this process with ease. Continue here... |