Art Therapeutics
12 Week Online Course
Art Therapeutics is the process of using writing and creative processes to help you on your healing journey. This course will also help you take the healing modalities you already partake in and enhance them even more with creative visuals that will keep you on track!
The mind is so full of information, we NEED visuals to keep us grounded and focused. Art Therapeutics techniques will help you create the ultimate grounding and focusing tools because YOU create them yourself.
The mind is so full of information, we NEED visuals to keep us grounded and focused. Art Therapeutics techniques will help you create the ultimate grounding and focusing tools because YOU create them yourself.
All of these processes will be beneficial and successful whether you have art experience or not!
What You’ll Experience
Understand how using Art Therapeutics will help you access your subconscious mind and change limiting beliefs and unwanted habits.
Use Art Therapeutics to reduce stress, anxiety, grief, loss, anger, frustration, depression, and most emotional and physical pain. If you are already an artist, this will be a fun course that will help you expand and increase your creativity. If you feel… I don’t have a creative bone in my body, or I’m not artistic… then let me breakthrough that limiting belief to show you how to unleash your creativity... it's fun and so much easier than you think!
This course is not about creating art that sells, rather it’s about creating art that Helps you Heal!
*Note to Artists - If you are already an artist, then these processes can absolutely help you with your artistic creations and help strengthen the art that you sell, as well as give you ENDLESS Ideas to work from.
Use the art process without self-judgment. Use Art Therapeutics to create the life you do want and breakthrough unwanted habits that are keeping you from feeling your best.
Use Art Therapeutics to increase your happiness and overall wellbeing. This can help you channel your emotions in a positive and productive way which builds confidence and an overall sense of feeling good.
Enhance your self-awareness, intuition, self-expression, and self-esteem! Art Therapeutics and our community will help you feel understood and that you are not alone in this world!
Use proven step-by-step art processes such as art journaling, mandalas, affirmation art, mind-mapping, color therapy, vision and dream boards, guided meditations, hypnotic recordings, and much more.
Understand how using Art Therapeutics will help you access your subconscious mind and change limiting beliefs and unwanted habits.
Use Art Therapeutics to reduce stress, anxiety, grief, loss, anger, frustration, depression, and most emotional and physical pain. If you are already an artist, this will be a fun course that will help you expand and increase your creativity. If you feel… I don’t have a creative bone in my body, or I’m not artistic… then let me breakthrough that limiting belief to show you how to unleash your creativity... it's fun and so much easier than you think!
This course is not about creating art that sells, rather it’s about creating art that Helps you Heal!
*Note to Artists - If you are already an artist, then these processes can absolutely help you with your artistic creations and help strengthen the art that you sell, as well as give you ENDLESS Ideas to work from.
Use the art process without self-judgment. Use Art Therapeutics to create the life you do want and breakthrough unwanted habits that are keeping you from feeling your best.
Use Art Therapeutics to increase your happiness and overall wellbeing. This can help you channel your emotions in a positive and productive way which builds confidence and an overall sense of feeling good.
Enhance your self-awareness, intuition, self-expression, and self-esteem! Art Therapeutics and our community will help you feel understood and that you are not alone in this world!
Use proven step-by-step art processes such as art journaling, mandalas, affirmation art, mind-mapping, color therapy, vision and dream boards, guided meditations, hypnotic recordings, and much more.
Easy and Simple Supplies
You can start simple with just paper, pen, pencils, and markers, or you can dig out those art supplies or take yourself on a little shopping adventure. Whatever your desire or budget for art supplies is… we will make it happen together!
In your introduction video (you will receive your Introduction video by December 15th), I’ll map out all the simple and basic supplies you need for the entire course. You can easily go through this whole course with just copy paper and a set of markers or crayons, a glue stick, and some magazines. Truly, it can be that inexpensive. However, I have a feeling you will want to dive in and get a little ‘fancy’… so I’ll also map out basic watercolor supplies, inexpensive acrylics as well as more professional quality supplies if you are already an artist. You will probably have most of this on hand, and I’ll show you how to make what you have got a long long way.
The introduction video will also give you a look into my studio and how I use journaling and art journaling every day… to me it’s like a cup of coffee or tea in the morning, and I’ll help you get there too.
You can start simple with just paper, pen, pencils, and markers, or you can dig out those art supplies or take yourself on a little shopping adventure. Whatever your desire or budget for art supplies is… we will make it happen together!
In your introduction video (you will receive your Introduction video by December 15th), I’ll map out all the simple and basic supplies you need for the entire course. You can easily go through this whole course with just copy paper and a set of markers or crayons, a glue stick, and some magazines. Truly, it can be that inexpensive. However, I have a feeling you will want to dive in and get a little ‘fancy’… so I’ll also map out basic watercolor supplies, inexpensive acrylics as well as more professional quality supplies if you are already an artist. You will probably have most of this on hand, and I’ll show you how to make what you have got a long long way.
The introduction video will also give you a look into my studio and how I use journaling and art journaling every day… to me it’s like a cup of coffee or tea in the morning, and I’ll help you get there too.
Week 1: Journaling
Experience how EASY and therapeutic journaling can be, it will help you release the dramas and traumas and tap into your intuition about what to do for each situation. When you have a problem and you ask the people around you for help, they will give you help based on THEIR needs, THEIR experience, and what THEY think you need… when you journal you begin to find the answers that truly work for you, I’ll show you how! Week 2: Collage Journaling
If drawing and your own writing intimidate you, then you will love collage journaling, where we use magazines and other print materials to create an expression that works for you. Bring your glue stick, scissors, and favorite magazines for this amazing class! Week 3: Art Journaling
Some people love the idea of this and others find it terrifying. Where do you land within the idea of Art Journaling??? Let me demystify and show you that there is NO WAY TO DO IT WRONG! I’ll also show you over 30 examples of how a variety of people art journal and then we will do an art journaling process together so that you know you are doing it just right! Week 4: Bullet Journaling
Organization, here we come!!! Find out how Bullet Journaling can take you to the next level of knowing what you want and showing you how to get there. If you have bullet journaled before, this will help you take it to the next level. If you have never bullet journaled before, I will show you how to begin and how to CUSTOMIZE it to make it work for you. Let’s break through the rigidity of official bullet journaling and make it work for you, your interests, and your lifestyle! I’ll show you how! Week 5: Junk Journaling
I love, love, love ‘Junk Journaling’ - this is an anything goes process that is so freeing and so fun. You can use everything in your ‘junk journal’ it’s as if a scrapbook meets collage and art journaling and vision board all in one. This is not your typical junk journal… yours will have a purpose and a very special meaning to you when we’ve completed it. I'll show you how to create a specific theme through your journal which will become your go-to feel better book whenever you need it. Week 6: Vision/Dream Board - Keeping it simple!
Create a simplified and very specific Vision/Dream Board. Too much is too complicated and confusing for the subconscious mind. We will focus in on the things that really count for you, making it much easier to bring those wants and desires into reality. Week 7: Mandalas
This meditative process will help you soothe the day away! I will supply pre-drawn mandalas as well as show you how to create your own with simple materials. It’s an art meditation with your pen, pencil, marker, or crayon! Week 8: Affirmation Art
We have all heard of affirmations, but why don’t they work? I’ll show you the secret to making them work each and every time! Week 9: Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping is truly one of my most treasured and favorite processes. I’ll show you how to use mind-mapping to resolve issues, answer questions, release negativity, and help you get the love and support you need. I’ve used this process for decades and I'll show you my own little creative twist on it to make it work for you whenever you need to make a decision. Week 10: Color Therapy
Do you know that certain colors can make you feel a certain way? Some colors can actually make you feel worse and some colors can lift your mood and spirit. Join me as we splash through the rainbow of colors and help you find your own guiding colors to help you on your healing journey. Week 11: Scribbles
Don’t underestimate the power of scribbling and doodling. Together we will do a scribbling process that will literally help you eliminate any mental or emotional or creative blocks and to get your creative healing moving forward and activated! Week 12: Intuitive Painting - Painting Fearlessly
I'm saving the best for last. I love to paint, and I love to paint with abandonment, without it having to ‘look like something’… what emerges is always amazing and I’ll show you how to do this process with ease. Each of these classes is a $99 value for a total value of over $1188 for the entire 12 Week Course
(but you won’t be paying $1188)... BONUSES There are a number of BONUS classes for you along the way. Bonus dates and times will be announced in the first week of class. Some will be pre-recorded bonuses and others will be live/online classes. Bonus #1 - Private Facebook Online Community (Value = Priceless) Bonus #2 - Daily Inspirational directly to your inbox! ($399 Value) Bonus #3 - Emotional Wheel of Life Class ($99 Value) Bonus #4 - The Worry Tree ($99 Value) Bonus #5 - Bottled Up Emotions Released ($99 Value) Bonus #6 - Happy Image Folder ($99 Value) Bonus #7 - Your intuitive Art Brush Painting ($129 Value) Bonus #8 - Group Hypnotherapy Session & Recording on using Creativity to Resolve Any Problem ($299 Value) Total Value of the 12 Week Live/Online Course PLUS Bonuses = $2411 But you won't pay that this year! Art Therapeutics 12 Week Live/Online Course
Twelve Weeks of 2 Hour Live/Online Classes (Valued at $99 each x 12 = $1188) Bonus #1 Private Facebook Online Community (Value = Awesome) Bonus #2 Daily Inspirational Emails directly to your inbox! ($399 Value) Bonus #3 Emotional Wheel of Life Class ($99 Value) Bonus #4 The Worry Tree ($99 Value) Bonus #5 Bottled Up Emotions Released ($99 Value) Bonus #6 Happy Image Folder/Book ($99 Value) Bonus #7 Your intuitive Art Brush Painting ($129 Value) Bonus #8 Group Hypnotherapy Session & Recording on using Creativity to Resolve Any Problem ($299 Value) Total Value = $2411.00 Today's Special I’m offering this course at over 80% off for only $349 You can get 6 months free financing using PayPal Over 80% off Offer! If you are interested, I urge you to sign up now! Once this webpage is gone, so are the bonuses. If you are still reading and interested in the course, I welcome you to give the course a test-drive! You have nothing to lose. If you are not completely satisfied with the course after the first class, you can ask for a refund! Attend on January 4th for the first class or watch the replay. If you are not completely satisfied, you can email me for a no-hassle refund (minus $20 processing fee) Don't miss out on this amazing course as these bonuses and Holiday Special will not be available again! Special Offer
Need a Payment Plan?
![]() Art, journaling, and a sense of humor have saved my life... over and over and over and over again!
Hi - I’m Nicole White, Author, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Art, Meditation, Yoga & Qi Gong Instructor, and most of all ARTIST! I mostly see my art as my own Therapy! I also love to teach art processes to others in addition to hypnotherapy and wellness coaching because we are all artists. Yup - we are all born artists. Have you had a confused peer, teacher, friend, or family member tell you differently? I want to help bring you back to your birth-right of being able to express yourself through journaling, art journaling, and the art process. We all have different ways of expression and mine was always through nature, dancing, writing, and art. You see… art has literally, literally saved my life many many times over. In my darkest hours as a teen, I had no one I felt I could turn to, so I turned to writing out my feelings and doodling as a way of trying to express and comfort myself. Better than Psychotherapy, Psychology and drugs! Art Therapy has helped me more than any other modality in my life and when I incorporated it into the Hypnotherapy I was receiving, my entire mindset shifted for the better! As a kid I was put on Anti-Depressants and it STOLE my creativity from me which is why I was desperate to find an alternative that enhanced my creativity. I share all of these modalities with you within this very course! Writing and Art has always been my healer, it's always there for me. Writing and Art always wants to listen, and it comforts me in ways most people can't. Being able to express myself in this way helps me move quickly through difficult times, and I love showing people how to do this! When I say that art has saved my life many times over, I’m not exaggerating. I’ve been on the edge more times than I’d like to admit, but because I had these processes and believed in it, I turned to it each time, and it helped me ‘see the light at the end of the tunnel’… and snap me out of my funk! I’m SO excited to share these processes with you as well as to give you life-saving, life-healing, and life-liberating tools to help you through any trouble or pain you may have in your life. Art therapeutics saves lives, relieves depression, gives anger a healthy outlet, and helps you come out of trauma and despair. Art Therapeutics makes you happier, makes you feel more fulfilled, helps you feel heard and understood. Art Therapeutics can help you ‘keep on keeping on’ and I am so eager to share everything I know and have learned with you! I grew up with learning dis-abilities, and what I now know is that the teachers just didn’t know how to teach to MY Abilities! This I believe makes me a great and empathetic healer, coach, and instructor as I have a multitude of ways to help you understand and ‘get into the groove’ of each and every process. All I ask is that you come with an open mind and a beginner's mind. Even if you have done a process before, or know one of these processes, attend each class or video with an open mind. Say to yourself… I’m eager to see how this can help me, and I’m willing to be in a beginner's mind to get the most of it! This mindset will help you get so much more than you ever expected out of this course. I’m here as your guide on this art therapeutics journey through mixed media processes. I’m generous with my time, give it my all while teaching, and can’t wait to share the healing world of journaling and art therapeutics with you! As another bonus for the holidays I’m going to send you (in January) my New Book (shhhhh… it’s a surprise)! Shipped to you for FREE if you are in the USA, and it will only cost the price of shipping if you are outside of the 48 US. ---> Classes Begin Tuesday, January 4, 2022
I'll teach each class twice to accommodate timezones *Tuesdays @ 2pm - 4pm MST & *Tuesdays @ 6pm - 8pm MST Dates: (1/4, 1/11, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22 + Bonus classes TBA) 1-2 BONUS classes a month will be announced after a survey of student availability. If you are not able to attend live, you can watch the recorded playback of the class. All participants are welcome to attend these additional weekend classes as ‘open studio time’ or to ask questions. This is a great community-building class where we all take the time to work on our own individual projects together. Q&A
What if I’m in a different time zone and/or can’t make it to the live classes? All sessions will be recorded. Of course, I want you to be able to make the classes live. I will take a survey before the first class to see where you are in time zones and the world. I will then offer some bonus dates and times that support the majority of people who cannot make the Tuesday classes. Dates and Times to be announced during the first week of the course. What is your Refund Policy? If after the first class, you are not completely inspired and pleased, I will refund your tuition minus a $20 processing fee. No refunds are available after the first week, January 5, 2022. What if I join the class but have a time conflict? In each live class, I will take the time to explain what to do if you are watching the playback. All classes are recorded and available for playback. I am also available via email to answer any of your questions and will reply within 48 hours. Usually, I answer the same day, but occasionally I do take a break from the internet and spend a day or two in nature :). I’ll always get back to you as soon as I can. How do I access each class? Live/Online classes will be held via Zoom. You will receive a detailed email by December 26th, with all the details and log-in information you need. You will receive a reminder 48 hours before each class with the supply list reminder, zoom link, and details about the class. How do I know what supplies I need for each class? You will receive a comprehensive supply list on December 26th or sooner. You will also receive a reminder of the supplies you need for the next class at the end of each class, as well as a reminder email 48 hours before each class. What if I don’t have the supplies on hand to do the project? Just make sure you have paper, pencil, pen, and some kind of colored pencil, marker, or pen for each class. You can keep it as simple as that. Are you READY? Holiday Savings Time is your chance to get this course for a fraction of the price, just $349 Price increases again soon! Are you READY?
This Special Offer is your chance to get this course for over 80% off! Only $349 Value = $2411.00 Try it out! I'm offering you a No-Hassle Refund Policy if you are not completely satisfied and inspired after the first class, I'll refund your money (minus $20 processing fee)
Other Questions? If you are still on the fence, schedule a FREE Discovery Call with me to see if Art Therapeutics & Wellness is the right course for you. I’ll answer any of your questions and we will see if this course is a good fit for you. Click Here to Schedule a FREE Discovery Session or email Thank You So Much For Investing In Yourself!
I can't wait to share all the wonderful benefits and FUN we will have in this Art Therapeutics Course. Working together on this Creative Journey of Health, Happiness & Healing! Art-fully, Nicole (Raven) White |